Le compresse effervescenti offrono un modo divertente e gustoso per integrare la propria dieta con nutrienti essenziali. Quando sciolte in acqua, queste compresse creano una bevanda frizzante che non solo è piacevole da bere, ma facilita anche l'assorbimento dei nutrienti. Ideali per chi ha difficoltà a deglutire compresse solide, le compresse effervescenti sono una scelta popolare tra adulti e bambini.
Il HAPPY DÌ MIX DI FORMAGGI GRATTUGIATI da 150g è una deliziosa combinazione di formaggi delicati e aromi intensi. Ideale per condire piatti di pasta, insalate o come base per salse, questo mix di formaggi aggiungerà un tocco di sapore e cremosità alle tue ricette. Gustalo oggi stesso!
Blue spirulina, also known as phycocyanin, is a natural blue pigment derived from spirulina algae. Widely used across various industries, including food, beverages, and cosmetics, blue spirulina provides a vibrant blue hue. Its natural origin makes it a popular choice for those seeking plant-based colorants. Commonly employed as a natural dye in products like smoothies, ice creams, and skincare items. Due to its plant-based nature, it is suitable for vegan and vegetarian products, offering a stable and bright color alternative.
CAS No:20298-86-6
Schwarzkümmel, lat. nigella sativa, ist eine Gewürzpflanze aus der Familie der Hahnenfußgewächse, die nicht mit Kümmel oder Kreuzkümmel verwandt ist. Nach der Blüte entwickelt diese kultivierte Pflanze Kapseln, die den Mohnsamen ähnlich sind, in denen sich die Samen des sogenannten Schwarzkümmels befinden. Schwarzkümmel wird hauptsächlich in asiatischen und orientalischen Regionen angebaut, wo er genügend Sonne findet, um zu gedeihen.
Schwarzkümmel gilt an vielen Orten als das erfolgreichste natürliche Heilmittel der letzten zehn Jahre. Im Orient wird das Öl seit über 3000 Jahren als Gewürz und Naturheilmittel hoch geschätzt. Der islamische Prophet Mohammed schrieb in seinem symbolisch gemeinten Buch "Hadith": "Schwarzkümmel ist das Heilmittel für alle Krankheiten außer dem Tod".
Laborstudien haben gezeigt, dass die ungesättigten Fettsäuren in den mohnähnlichen Schwarzkümmelsamen als Vorstufe für die Synthese unserer Körperstoffe Prostaglandin E1 und E2 dienen und somit einen direkten Einfluss auf unser Immunsystem haben.
Bio-Öl gefiltert aus kaltgepressten Samen: 100 mg + 250 ml + 1000 ml
Kapseln à 680 mg (1 Dose = 100 Stück): 68 g
Herkunft: Ägypten
Dive into a culinary revelation with our Sunflower Oil – your liquid sunshine for recipes. From sizzling pans to the heart of your plate, embrace the cornucopia of rich flavors that take center stage.
Wir bieten gelbes Maiskorn an, das von höchster Qualität ist und ideal für die Tierernährung und Lebensmittelproduktion. Unser Mais wird unter strengen Standards produziert und exportiert. Wir garantieren hohe Qualität und Frische sowie wettbewerbsfähige Preise. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Erfahrung im internationalen Handel, um die besten Maisprodukte für Ihre Bedürfnisse zu finden.
Mint oil is a very common flavouring in baking of both sweet and savoury dishes. It is added to chocolaty desserts, breads, stews and even in teas. Mint oil is perhaps one of the most popular essential oils when it comes to health benefits, with its soothing and healing properties. Common Uses Mint oil is used for muscle pain relief and muscle spasms. By adding a few drops to the affected area and massaging it, it brings instant relief to muscle pains. Stomach pain can also be relieved by consuming some mint oil, by dropping a few drops on the tongue. Many essential oils are great bug repellents. It can be used in a diffuser or rubbed on the skin. Mint oil is also a great substance for sunburn relief as it is a natural coolant. By massaging some mint essential oil, mixed with lotion or coconut oil, on the skin, one will feel instant cooling. The other health benefits include cold and flu remedies, soothing of sore throats, chest rubs for coughs and an aid to reduce fever. Recommended Storage The ideal storage of essential oils is to keep it refrigerated, as the fridge keeps the components that make up the oils at their optimal levels. If you don’t have space in the fridge, you can keep it in a cool, dark place. Essential oils have a shelf life of one to five years. You should, however, replace essential oils after three years to gain the most benefits out of the essential oils. Enquire Now Purity: 100% pure refined Packaging: We offer essential oils in bulk, sizes are glass bottles and barrels of 450ml, 1 litre, 20 litre and 50 litre quantities.
Il baobab è un superfood ricavato dai frutti dell'albero di baobab, un albero maestoso e longevo originario delle regioni aride dell'Africa. Questo frutto, noto anche come "frutto della vita", è apprezzato per il suo eccezionale profilo nutrizionale e per i benefici che offre alla salute. La polpa del frutto di baobab viene essiccata naturalmente all'interno del guscio, per poi essere macinata fino a ottenere una polvere fine. Questa polvere è ricca di vitamine, minerali e fibre, rendendola un'ottima aggiunta a una dieta bilanciata.
Imballaggio:Cartoni da 20/25kg
"Oorsprong Psyllium
Psyllium (psyllii testa) is afkomstig van de plantago ovato plant. De plant komt oorspronkelijk uit Noord-Afrika, India, Pakistan en afghamistan.
Verwerking Psyllium Husks vezels
De voornaamste productie vindt plaats in India en Pakistan. na het oogsten worden de zaden verwerkt tot vezels.
Eigenschappen van Psyllium Husks vezels
De belangrijkste eigenschap van psyllium husk vezels is de zwelkracht. Dit is uiteindelijk nuttig voor de werking.
Gebruik Psyllium Husks Vezels
Psyliumvezels worden opgelost in wat water, gebruikt als bindmiddel en als natuurlijke verbeteraar in brood en gebak. Ze geven een smeuïge textuur aan gebak en brood. Het zorgt ervoor dat brood en gebak langer vers blijft. Je hebt slechts een theelepel per dag nodig. Biologische psylliumhulzen bieden een uitstekende manier van het toevoegen van vezels aan uw dieet. Meng ze met veel water of vruchtensap voor een reinigend en kalmerend gezond dr…"
Potasyum sorbat oldukça etkili, güvenli ve toksik olmayan bir gıda koruyucusudur. Potasyum sorbat, piyasadaki birçok koruyucudan biri olmasına rağmen, zararsız ve çok yönlü olduğu için en iyilerden biridir. Potasyum sorbat büyük ölçüde sentetik olarak üretilir.
Tatsız ve kokusuz bir tozdur. FDA'ya göre vücutta su ve karbondioksite dönüştüğü için kullanımı güvenli kabul ediliyor. Kozmetik ürünlerde kısıtlamalarla kullanılabilecek koruyucular listesinde yer almaktadır. Nihai üründe izin verilen maksimum konsantrasyonu, sorbik asit olarak hesaplanan %0.6'dır. Asidik bir ortamda en iyi şekilde çalışır, aksi halde özellikleri çok daha zayıftır.
Quality: for food
Processed plant part: Fruit body
Extraction agent: Ethanol & water
Carrier: Maltodextrin
Scientific name: Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst. Reishi mushroom, also known as Lingzhi, is a mushroom prized in traditional Chinese medicine for its potential health benefits.
Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided.
Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified.
We also offer the following products:
Field bean
Field horsetail
African black bean
Alpha lipoic acid
Beta Glucan
ORGANIC Birch leaf
ORGANIC Brazilian almond
ORGANIC Broccoli
ORGANIC Chlorella
ORGANIC Cranberry
ORGANIC Barley grass
ORGANIC Grapefruit
ORGANIC Blueberry
Roman Chamomile essential oil, derived from the Chamaemelum nobile plant, is known for its sweet and fruity aroma, as well as its numerous health benefits. This essential oil is prized for its anti-inflammatory and calming properties, making it a natural remedy for relieving stress, anxiety, and skin irritation. Additionally, Roman Chamomile is widely used in aromatherapy for its relaxing effects, helping to induce sleep and relieve insomnia. It is also beneficial for the digestive system, relieving problems such as indigestion and colic. Its softness makes it suitable for use in babies and children, being a valuable resource for the emotional and physical well-being of the entire family. Also available essential oil of Blue Chamomile and Santolina Chamomile.
CONTAINER:5Kg, 10kg, 25Kg and 200Kg
INCI:Anthemis Nobilis Flower Oil
CAS:8015-92-7 / 84649-86-5
Die automatische Schalensiegelmaschine TSS136-SKIN ist für die Inline-Verpackung in Labors, Supermärkten und Kochzentren mit mittlerer bis hoher Produktivität konzipiert. Die Maschine bietet ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität: Neben dem reinen Versiegeln und MAP-Verpacken (Gasspülung) ist es möglich, mit der SKIN-Technologie zu verpacken. Die Maschine ist mit unserem patentierten AUTOSPEED-Handhabungssystem ausgestattet, um den Versiegelungsvorgang zu vereinfachen und zu beschleunigen. Dank der großen Versiegelungsplatte ist es möglich, zwei Schalen gleichzeitig zu versiegeln, wodurch die Produktivität verdoppelt wird
Maße:1.130mm x 760 mm x 1.540 mm
Gewicht:270 kg
Max. Schalengröße:390 mm x 280 mm x 100 mm
Max. Rollenbreite und -durchmesser:L= 450 / Ø 200 mm
Luft- und Gaszuführung:6/8 bar / 18 NL/C (Maschine) / 3 bar (Gas)
Beschickung und Handhabung von Schalen:Automatisch + Pneumatisch
Form:Fixiert und gestanzt
Zyklen pro Minute:3 - 8
Individuelle digitale Schweißprogramme:10
Vakuumpumpe:40 m³/h - 60 m³/h
Stromversorgung:220 V / min. 2.500 W - max. 3.500 W
The banana is not just a fruit, but an icon of flavor and health that Zayma proudly distributes. From its tropical land, this sweet and nutritious delight is carefully selected for its journey to your table. At Zayma, we know that each plantain / banana is a work of nature, therefore, we strive to bring you only the best.
Tropical Heritage: The Banana Plant
Each plantain / banana begins its life in a majestic herbaceous plant, typical of warm climates, where sunlight caresses its growth. The plants, up to 3 meters high, develop a robust stem, and at Zayma we respect this natural process. We guarantee that each fruit preserves the essence of its origin, offering an authentic flavor that transports you to the tropics with every bite.
Oferujemy słoiki szklane wysokiej jakości o różnych pojemnościach w najlepszych cenach na rynku.
Minimalne Zamówienie:
• Ilości całosamochodowe
Cena (zawiera koszty dostawy do klienta w Polsce):
• Słoik 900 ml - 0,79 zł/szt.
Sposób pakowania:
• Luzem - 1872 szt na palecie, na aucie 26 palet;
• W folię termokurczliwą po 8 sztuk - 1560 szt na palecie, na aucie 26 palet.
Słoiki można miksować, pełną ofertę produktową uzyskasz u nas, wystarczy zapytać!
Zapraszamy do kontaktu: 503#577#909
•Nasze produkty posiadają odpowiednie certyfikaty jakości, gwarantując wysoką jakość i bezpieczeństwo.
Faktura VAT:
•Wystawiamy fakturę VAT dla Twojej firmy, zapewniając pełną transparentność transakcji.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do współpracy!
Minimalne zamówienie:26 palet
Faktura VAT:Wystawiamy fakturę VAT dla Twojej firmy, zapewniając pełną transparentność transakcji
Certyfikaty:Nasze produkty posiadają odpowiednie certyfikaty jakości, gwarantując wysoką jakość i bezpieczeństwo
Wooden highchair 2 in 1 suitable for different children’s stages.
Suitable for children who can sit without help and up to 36 months – stage 1 / up to 60 months – stage 2.
5-point wiring system.
Disk setting of 3 positions.
Seat cover made of eco-leather.
Wooden footrest.
Anti-slip legs.
Dimensions: 57 x 53 x 88cm.
Weight: 5.25 kg
Warranty: 1 Year.
Age:6+ months
La boite traiteur cristal est utilisée principalement par les traiteurs, restauration rapide de vente à emporter mais aussi les particuliers
La boite avec son couvercle rattaché vous permet de mettre vos salades, paella, couscous ou autres petits plats cuisinés.
La boite permet un transport en toute sécurité grâce à étanchéité parfaite par sa fermeture par jonc,
La boite traiteur ergonomique fraîcheur est appréciée pour ses propriétés qui sont la résistance, la qualité, la sécurité des produits dedans mais aussi son prix très attractif.
Volume:500 ml
Dimension:151 x 125 x 62 (L x l x H en mm)
57 x 137 x 87 cm
Wooden body,
Laminate coated top countertop,
2 single-burner stoves,
Gas safety valve,
Sauce rack,
Four moving wheels, two with brakes.
Introducing the Pet Treatment ED-42859: Retractable Dog Leash - 5M, designed to enhance convenience and safety for dog owners and their furry companions during walks. Crafted from durable and eco-friendly materials, this leash offers a comfortable and secure grip, ensuring an enjoyable walking experience for pet owners. The quick lock and release feature enables effortless control, allowing owners to swiftly adjust the leash length to ensure their dog's safety, while its lightweight design makes it easy for women and kids to handle with ease.
For dogs, this retractable leash provides the perfect balance of freedom and safety. With a durable nylon ribbon tape that extends up to 5 meters, dogs have ample space to explore and sniff their surroundings during walks. The sturdy metal clasp securely attaches to the dog's collar
(L x l x H):18.10 cm x 3.70 cm x 10.60 cm
Box Dimensions:22cm x 12cm x 33cm
Herencia est née d'une profonde appréciation pour l'artisanat et l'héritage que représentent le café guatémaltèque et les épices de qualité. Notre parcours a commencé dans les hautes terres luxuriantes du Guatemala, où nos ancêtres cultivaient le café avec passion et expertise. Au fil des ans, nous avons élargi nos horizons pour inclure une gamme diversifiée d'épices, célébrant ainsi l'essence de la saveur et de la tradition.
Propiedades Medicinales
Propiedades Antiinflamatorias y Analgésicas:
Los compuestos presentes en la bita cola, como los flavonoides y los triterpenoides, tienen efectos antiinflamatorios que ayudan a reducir la inflamación y el dolor, lo que la convierte en un remedio natural para la artritis y otras afecciones inflamatorias.
Samyang hot chicken rmaen kimchi with goodness of spice and kimchi from Korea is sure to relish the tastebuds with the flavour and aroma of the noodles. The noodles have a great chewy texture and are ramen noodles from Korea.
Reusable (e.g. one glove a day per user), Meets the European directives for contact with food
Cheaper than disposable gloves that are difficult to put on and off Does not cause irritation or allergies (dermatitis), as opposed to other gloves (latex, vinyl) Suitable for both left- and right-handed people Recyclable.
La lumachina di terra o Theba Pisana, è una cozzella di campagna di dimensioni molto piccole, tipica dei paesi del Mediterraneo.
Le nostre lumachine sono bianche e asciutte e dalla carne tenerissima.
Non provengono da allevamenti intensivi ma sono raccolte nel loro habitat naturale. Sono accuratamente selezionate e certificate a livello sanitario per garantirne qualità e freschezza e le conserviamo a temperatura controllata per preservarne la durata.
Lumache 100% naturali, già pulite e spurgate, pronte da consumare
Periodo di vendita: da Maggio ad Agosto
Confezionamento in sacchi a rete da 5 kg
Spedizioni pallettizzate in tutta Italia e in Europa a temperatura refrigerata
Ordine minimo di 800 kg
Béné Inox, le spécialiste de composants en acier inoxydable, vous propose ce modèle de tube SMS poli brossé destiné à l'industrie laitière et agroalimentaire.
Ce tube SMS respecte les normes EN 10217-7 et EN 10357 série D.
Matières ::Inox 1.4307 (inox 304L) - 1.4404 (inox 316L)
Diamètres ::de 25 mm à 104 mm
Longueur standard : :6 m
Finition ::non recuit, intérieur décapé/passivé et extérieur poli brossé grain 220
Ra intérieur ::<0,8µm